Graphic Design

Knack Collective Work
A large chunk of the work that I did at Knack Collective was social media content creation from Instagram and LinkedIn. My team and I developed new branding guidelines for Knack which I was then I was then able to use to make bold imagery that perfectly represented our company and what it stands for. I also worked on updating the brand and making a lookbook for Knack.

Editorial layout is one of my favorite branches of design, so I particularly enjoyed working on this lookbook. The task was to create a glossy, posh booklet to showcase the work that Knack Collective had done for major companies like Microsoft, Puma, Adobe, etc.

Social Media
I had a lot of fun creating these designs for Knack Collective's Instagram page. The creative freedom that I was given, paired with elegant guidelines made for some dynamic design solutions. My favorite part of working on these was creating all of the illustrations in Adobe Illustrator from scratch.